Pranarom - Veriditas


Regular price $15.99 $15.49

Arnica montana L.
Infusion of  Arnica flowers in Olea europaea L.
Size: 2oz (60ml)

Composition at a glance: Complex fatty acids with traces of Arnica essential oil. Phytosterols and sesquiterpene lactones, said to be anti-inflammatory.

Color and texture: Pale, bright yellow oil. Medium absorption.

Smell: Discreet and neutral with a hint of cut grass.

Note: Our infusions are only for topical use. Please do not take internally.

About: Traditionally used in herbal medicine, Arnica oil is widely known to soothe bumps, bruises, joints and occasional muscle strains. Used alone or in combination with other organic oils, Arnica is an ideal carrier for essential oils such as Helichrysum, Peppermint, Rosemary and Lavender.

Arnica oil, prized for its many uses, is limited, making every bottle a precious remedy. Arnica is excellent for supporting healthy joints and muscles after intense exercise or exertion, and is a must-have for every herbal medicine chest.

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